
 SEO VS PPC: Difference, Cons, Pros & Which one is better?

SEO VS PPC: Difference, Cons, Pros & Which one is better?

SEO VS PPC: Difference, Cons, Pros & Which one is better?

The difference between pay-per-click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is that SEO emphasizes getting traffic through organic search, while PPC uses paid search, social media, and display to get traffic. The discussion compares both approaches to help you understand which is the best fit for you.

With both being an effective way to generate traffic, a constantly debated question is the matter of SEO vs. PPC. Deciding between the two can be challenging, so here we are to lessen your confusion and assist you in selecting the best one according to your budget, time, and goal.

What is SEO?

SEO is a short form used for “search engine optimisation.” It is a process to improve your website and increase your brand’s visibility on Google, Microsoft Bing or any other search engine when the user searches for: 

  • Products you sell
  • Services you provide
  • Information on topics

The higher visibility of your page in the search result the higher are the chances that you are found on the search engine.

Ultimately, the goal of search engine optimization is to help attract website visitors who will become customers, clients or an audience that keeps coming back. There are four areas of SEO. Understanding these strategies would benefit you when creating your SEO strategy.

Keyword search – assists in extracting words or phrases that users search on Google or other search engine websites. 

On-Page SEO – is a  process of optimizing content for customers

Off-page SEO – is a set of strategies that use external sites to increase the site’s search engine rankings.

Technical SEO – ensures that search engines can find, crawl and index your content.

Keyword search is an SEO practice of using words and phrases that help you be visible on the search engine. Finding the right keyword can be done using keyword search tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, Semrush and ubbersuggest. There are many others out there which can best fit your needs.

The more straightforward process to get started with a keyword is to:

  • First, brainstorm phrases or words customers might look for on Google
  • Enter the phrases  or words on your selected keyword tools
  • The software will generate the keywords for you to use on your content

2.    On-page SEO

On-page SEO is a method of creating content your customers want to see. It is helpful to evaluate what queries the customer is searching for. The method of search intent is used to connect with your customers through a search engine.

  • This can be done by evaluating the search results for a query and then assessing which content pops out the most and is the most viewed.
  • The content can be placed strategically in the title or as an answer.
  • You can also create compelling keywords or use short and descriptive URLs. 

3.    Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is another method that allows you to do activities outside of your website. It supports ranking in Google, indicating that our page is credible enough to be ranked. One critical aspect is building a quality backlinking system. This is incredibly significant as it is one of Google’s top three ranking factors.

  • You can use site explorer, SEMrush, Pitch Box or Ahrefs to view your backlinks report.
  • After the deep assessment, you can select which one is based on the topic and strategically use it in your content.

4.    Technical SEO

Technical SEO is about being in the gameplay among all the competitors. It makes sure that search engines can find, crawl and index your content.

  • You aren’t in the competition if you can’t reach Google’s top rank.
  • The first step in technical SEO is to determine whether the search engine can find your content.
  • The second criterion is if the Search engine can crawl on your content. Crawling means that search engine bots can discover content for your website.
  • The third criterion is if the search engine can index your content.
  • All three aspects are necessary to participate in the competition. If any of the above answers is No, then you need to enhance your content.

Pros of SEO

1 – Organic traffic is long termed.

The best thing about SEO is that once you crack the code and rank high on Google, you can get consistent results and traffic to your website. Even though it requires continuous effort, it delivers results that compound with time.

2 – SEO is Cheaper

Paying for ads is expensive, and when you stop paying for them, the results decline. On the other hand, SEO builds up your content’s visibility in search engines, which is sustainable when compared with PPC.

Cons of SEO

When we talk about strengths, there are also weaknesses associated with them. So, now we are discussing some of the drawbacks of SEO.

1 – SEO is time-taking

We asked Google the question, and it says that it takes four months to a year to see results with SEO. However, appearing on the first page is another challenge, as only 5.7% of new web pages make it to the first page in their first year.

2 – SEO wants unique content

People want credible information from experts. They want their queries solved in the simplest possible way. This is why step-by-step guides and how-to tutorials have the best ranking. You will need to tell Google that you have all your customers’ needs. You need to have expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) to be at the top.

3 – Competitive Keywords are a hard shell to crack.

Some targeted keywords are difficult to work with as major companies can compete for the same market. They have experts who evaluate every aspect of the search engine. Competitive keywords decrease the brand’s chances of being ranked despite the high quality of the content.

What is PPC?

Conversely, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising h is a paid form of advertising on search engines and other websites. As the name implies, pay-per-click advertising occurs only when a user clicks an ad. Google advertisements are the most popular platform for PPC advertising. Like Google Ads, Facebook Ads etc.

PPC has some crucial parts.

Keyword Search helps understand what the customer searches for.

Bid setting is a method where you decide how much you will pay for a click.

Ad creation supports creating an ad.

Audience targeting assists in connecting with the right market.

The importance of keywords cannot be neglected if you want to rank well on Google. You also need to choose the right words to target for Pll.

Bid Setting

As the name suggests, bid setting means setting a price according to your budget to pay Google for an ad click. Competitors can outbid you, and Google will not show you as frequently as competitors.

Ad creation

This is where you can showcase your marketing abilities for your target marketing. You see all the beautiful summer dresses on your feet, which leads you to the band’s homepage. These ads are given a Quality score, telling you how valuable your brand is. The higher the score, the more visible your brand is.

Audience Targeting

Google also helps you indicate where your audience is to make targeting easier. The data analytics assesses the customers’ movement to target people. This can be a greta opporutnitity for yu rbrand to get traffic.

Pros of PPC

Let’s dive into strengths to gain deeper insight into how pPPC fits your needs.

1.    Faster Results

With PPC, you can see faster results as you can start your campaign on any platform. In simpler words, you can be where your audience is, increasing the chances of clicks, traffic, and conversion.

2.    Targeting is Easier

Most PPC platforms allow you to choose your target market. They also provide data that can help you develop your marketing campaigns.

3.    Fast Feedback

The nature of PPC allows you to have quick responses, which can assist in changes. You can easily run A/B tests and monitor results. The method is beneficial for you as the results are real-time, and you can keep changing until you reach an optimal point.

Cons of PPC  

1.    PPC can be Costly

If you work in a competitive market, such as apparel or comfort wear, PPC is a costly choice. It will keep adding expenses to your financial statement. It isn’t a wrong choice, but it is expensive, and you need to keep your budget in check.

2.    Short termed

The longer the campaign runs, the more likely customers are to lose interest. The higher the ad frequency, the less efficient your brand will be. However, effectiveness can be increased if the campaigns keep on changing, which is an additional cost for the company.

3.    Investment in Ongoing

PPC requires you to have a budget, which might not be possible for your brand if it is in its initial stages. However, if that’s different from the case and you do have a specific marketing budget, then PPC is your way to be. You might lose some money initially as you work with the method. But you can do just fine once you grab a hold of it. As easy as it sounds, this is a drawback of PPC that you need to invest in before hitting the target.

SEO Vs. PPC: The right strategy for you?

Well, there is no right or wrong answer to this. In fact, the correct answer depends on the following factors:

Competitive keywords

This is a fundamental question after you have finalized your keyword search. The answer strongly influences your choice between SEO and PPC. Answer basic but important questions like who you are targeting, why they want to buy, and how they will buy.

With PPC, you require a high budget for a competitive keyword. The best strategy would be to use SEO, start working on the competitor’s analysis, and find out what they lack.


A common mistake businesses make is to assume that what they see on Google is similar to what their customer search results look like. The target keyword for every location is different, so you might not see the same clothing brand as your customer.

It is important to track results from different locations as the ads, local pack, and organic results will change. If you are a small business, you can use an effective SEO strategy designed for a specific location. But if you are a larger business, add PPC to ensure you generate enough revenue.

Time Or Money

This is a million-dollar question you need to answer. If you have a larger team, spend money on PPC to generate leads. However, if you can not invest, SEO is also your way. SEO takes time whereas PPC requires money. The choice is always on you.


Both SEO and PPC are effective techniques; which strategy is better depends on your business objectives. Both PPC and SEO have benefits and might be helpful in certain situations. Consider your target audience, competition, budget, and timeline when choosing. If you’re searching for SEO services, be sure the company you select is reliable and knowledgeable. By making well-informed decisions, you may enhance the success of your digital marketing initiatives and propel business growth.

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